Too Much Social Media Time

Okay, I confess. I spend way too much time on social media checking email, checking Twitter and Facebook feeds and such instead of writing. This is frustrating. I rise early with thoughts of churning out another thousand words dancing through my head only instead to sit catching up on what I missed while sleeping. I know there are programs out there that would allow me to turn off social media while I write. I just can’t bring myself to use them. Besides, I’m writing now by creating this much needed post for my blog. This isn’t what I had in mind. And so the excuses run rampent in my head. I need social media time. Answering emails and writing blog post is my way of warming up to get writing. Uh huh. Tell me another one. I think doing these things is yet another form of procrastination so I don’t have to face my waning muse. So I don’t have to know that I ain’t got it no more. Bottom line. I’m afraid that I’ve written myself into a corner with my contemporary inspirational and have not done enough research for the historical inspirational. All of which is true. So how do I go from here, point “A”, to point “B”? Get to writing even if it is bad and will need to be reshaped later. Easier thought than done.

Posted in Contemporary inspirational romance, fiction writing, inspirational historical romance fiction, novel writing, romance writing, Uncategorized, writing, Writing about logging in Michigan, writing process and tagged , .