NEORWA Conference

I’m here in Ohio for the North East Ohio Romance Writers of America conference where I will pitch two books to an editor and an agent. I’m excited by the prospect of telling them what I have and seeing if they would like to take a look. I am also working on two works in progress–an inspirational contemporary and an inspirational historical that I may just put out there if they ask what else I am working on.

Conference sign in starts in about a half hour. I need to pack up the rest of my room, load it in the car and get ready to be one of the first in line. Okay, I don’t need to be the first in line but be one of the close seconds. Now I’m just killing time waiting. This is the second RWA conference I’ve been to in the last couple of years. The first was the Detroit regional Word Nerd Conference in October of 2017. That was an incredible conference where I received two requests for work.

Even though I am physically not feeling my best, I’ll give it my best shot when it comes to pitching. I’m getting over a cold.

Wishing everyone peace, happiness and lots of writing time. Thank you for reading.

Posted in Contemporary inspirational romance, fiction writing, inspirational historical romance fiction, novel writing, Pitching, Pitching a novel, romance writing, Uncategorized, writing, writing process and tagged .