Fifty-Thousand Words and Counting

There’s still so much to do with this novel in progress–Summers Creek. I wrote six-hundred words last night, which puts me into fifty-two thousand words. I don’t know what the turning point of this contemporary, inspirational romance will be. You know the point when the hero and heroine overcome their differences and come together. They are such a nice couple who don’t seem to have many differences is the reason I’m having so much trouble writing this novel. There isn’t enough tension or contrast. The only contrast I’m getting is from the foster son who has shaped up nicely. Uh! I need more contrast and tension. What I have is a balance of niceness. So the novel needs to be tweaked in order to hold the readers (and my) attention. This is the first contemporary, inspirational romance that I’ve written (Give me a break all ready. I’m not perfect and neither is my writing, though I’m trying). As an inspirational book I’ve fallen prey to the lie that all Christians’ lives are simple and pleasant and nice. Uh! Nice again! No, we struggle just as much as those in the world do with any number of problems. The difference is we have a Heavenly Father to whom we can take our complaints.

So my hero was left at the altar the year before the story opens and he’s dealing with feelings of rejection and wariness in wanting to get into another relationship. (At least that’s what he is supposed to be dealing with.)

The heroine is divorced (so again dealing with relationship and trust issues). She left her well paying job at Tech Giant Inc., in Ann Arbor Michigan, moved to a farm in the country and is raising alpacas and a foster son. Her ex accused her of not wanting children, which she didn’t, but now she does or at least she is giving it a try by raising a foster child.

So what is supposed to happen? The hero and heroine are supposed to overcome their relationship, trust issues and come together at the end of the book. What is happening is that they have over come their trust issues early and are now dating. So everything is watered down and there won’t be a big reveal unless I can come up with some other wrench to throw in the cogs. Give me a minute. I’m thinking. Nope-nothing-nada.

Uh! Nice isn’t being very nice right now.

Posted in Contemporary inspirational romance, fiction writing, novel writing, romance writing, writing, writing process and tagged .