Writing Very Little

So I’m more focused on creating art than I am at writing (and editing my work) right now. Maybe I need to focus on short stories in order to attempt to sell something, but then what if that goes south too? Will I give up on that? No. I may take a long break from writing right now, but I’ll get back with it eventually. The thing is I don’t want to take a break from writing. I am editing a novel in hopes of getting it published. The editing is going slow. I don’t know what the problem is. I should have been through these edits quickly. I think I’m afraid of making mistakes and missing something thus my turtle’s pace. My writing, like my art, isn’t perfect. It’s the best that I can do and that is scary. The best that I can do is sub-par? Really? Yes, really. I’m trying though and that is what matters. I just need to keep on trying with the writing and not give up.

Posted in editing a novel, fiction writing, inspirational historical romance fiction, novel writing, romance writing, Uncategorized, writing, writing process and tagged , .