Writing life

So I’ve been struggling with writer’s block for months. March 22, 2018, I lost my muse, my mother. It was for her that I wrote. Now I’ve been sucked into the void that is writer’s block and am wallowing in its darkened passageways. I need to find another reason to write. I just feel so overwhelmed by the thought that mom is gone and with it so is my desire to write. Well, okay, there is a flicker of hope buried deep inside. Every so often I feel its pulse, but not today.

Don’t pity me. Maybe breaking through writers block is like a chick trying to free itself from a shell. I need to peck tiny holes in order to be free. This being interpreted means that I need to deal with the shell surrounding me–acknowledge it and start pecking by writing. Oh the weight of writing and not being perfect.

Posted in fiction writing, inspirational historical romance fiction, novel writing, romance writing, Uncategorized, writing, writing process.