Writing Contests: the Key to My Creativity?

I was just perusing Facebook this morning when I came upon a share from another writer friend about a contest to win a mentor. The thought of having a mentor–someone who will read my work, tell me what to change and what is strong–sounds wonderful. I want to enter this contest. I just have to get my current work in progress up to snuff by finishing my edits. I know I can crack out the work. I have until April 27 at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard time to get my entry into the contest. I think it will be worth it to see how far I can progress in edits and the contest.

I need to look for more opportunities like this one because they ignite my desire to write again–to edit again and to sit at the keyboard and just breath again.

Posted in editing a novel, fiction writing, novel writing, romance writing, Uncategorized, Visual creativity, writing, writing process, writing prompts and tagged , , , , , .