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New Year, New Goals and New Hope

Welcome to 2022! Happy New Year and all of that. I am looking forward to 2022. I’m glad to leave the years 2020 and 2021 behind with all the ever present threat of COVID lurking. Yes, let’s not talk about COVID. I would much rather focus on new goals and new hope.

One of my goals, (I don’t practice resolutions) is to write more. So far, so good. On January 1 and 2, I wrote over 3,000 words. This was more than I probably wrote from October to December of 2021. I’m flying as my mother would say. True. I’m flying, but I need to be consistent. Writing on the weekend seems to be working for me as I have more time to focus. Then again, I’ve only written 3,000 words over one weekend. Here again consistency is the key.

I laugh at this. I’m writing this blog post to keep from working on my work in progress. Why? It’s easier to think about writing, to have written than it is to actually write. I’m a panster. Meaning, I write by the seat of my pants. It is hard to write this way. Would it be easier to plot? Maybe. And maybe not. I might be more confident and be able to write faster if I plotted. Should plotting be a goal then? Maybe. I’ll think about it.

New hope for 2022: I’m hopeful that COVID will diminish and go away. Apart from COVID, my hope is for my debut book coming out April 5, 2022. How exciting is that? Very exciting. It is an inspirational, historical novel set in the fictional town of Harrisville, Kentucky. Why Kentucky? Because my parents are both from Kentucky and two siblings were born there. Our family ties run deep in that state.

Regardless of what the future holds, I wish you peace, wellness and hope in 2022. Thank you for reading.

Posted in COVID, editing a novel, fiction writing, greta picklesimer, inspirational historical romance fiction, novel writing, romance writing, writing, writing process and tagged , , , , , .