Release Date for Book

The release date for my first inspirational, historical, romance novel is April 5, 2022. Ambassador International, my publisher, finally gave me the date of when the book will be coming out. Ring the bells! Shout from the rooftop. My book will soon be a reality. Yipee!

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Book Cover Concept Received

I am so excited. I received my book’s cover concept art Friday, March 26, 2021, in an email. When I pulled up the picture of my book cover, even though it isn’t finished, I gasped. It was a better cover than what I imaged. I did have some suggestions though. I thought the school/church should […]

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First Edits Done

The first round of edits are done on the manuscript I’m working on for Ambassador International. It feels good and bad at the same time. Good because I’m glad I’m done. Bad because I know I have more work to do. I need to read through the story in one sitting–76,000 words and edit as […]

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Writing Time

If I’m to be successful, I need to carve out time to write. The precursor to writing time is hours spent checking emails and social messaging. And I wonder where the time went and why I’m not being more productive. Even now, when I could be editing a story, I find myself catching up and […]

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Too Much Social Media Time

Okay, I confess. I spend way too much time on social media checking email, checking Twitter and Facebook feeds and such instead of writing. This is frustrating. I rise early with thoughts of churning out another thousand words dancing through my head only instead to sit catching up on what I missed while sleeping. I […]

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Writers’ Retreat

Here in Marshall Michigan at a rented home for a writers’ retreat with 12 other women from Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America group. At this retreat I plan to write and read about writing and just relax. It is just after 1 p.m. the first day of the retreat and all ready I have my […]

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