
I have a stirring in my soul to paint again. As I lie in bed, waiting for sleep to overtake me, vivid colors danced through my head. I thought of seascapes and paintings seen recently. I know I can create. I have the desire. I just need to begin again.

What stopped me from visual creativity years ago was the desire was there, but the market was not. I sold very few of my pieces. I wanted to sell more, but there just was not the opportunity. So how will this time be different? I plan to rejoin The Jackson Civic Art Association and attend their meetings twice a month on the first and third Tuesdays. Being with a group of like minded people should help prompt me to get my visual, creative juices flowing again. Probably, and while I’m at it, I should rejoin the Ann Arbor Women Artists. My goodness! One thing at a time please!

In the meantime, as I decide what to do next (find that blasted travel watercolor set), I need to take it one step at a time. What this means is I need to go back to the basics; paint a few apples, a pomegranate or two. I need to get painting again.

Does this mean I’m leaving off my creative writing? No, not at all. I’ll paint and write at the same time. Well, not exactly at the same time. You know what I mean…I hope. Now to find that travel watercolor set, buy an apple and see what I can do.

Posted in Art, Painting, Plein Air Painting, Uncategorized, Visual creativity and tagged , , , , , .