Sitting Down to Write

I sat down to write tonight not because I was feeling especially inspired or that I had something to write about, but because I was craving writing. So I just kicked out over 1,000 words on the historical inspirational romance novel I’m writing without feeling the tiniest bit inspired. Even so, I churned out some interesting writing that will help move the story along to where I want it to go.

The other night when I said I didn’t write I actually turned out over 400 words on a page that I was stuck at. Yesterday I didn’t write at all, which is sad, but I made up for it tonight by writing.

I kicked my way through a very dull spot and now know more of the direction in which I’ll go (even with my outline–the outline is there for the chunks of writing. I’m dealing with small significant pieces that are helping the story move along.

Posted in fiction writing, romance writing, writing.