My First Nonfiction Book is Published

I published my first work of nonfiction this year

What a way to start 2025. After arriving home from work on December 30th 2024, I started writing a short book called Understanding Your Cat: A Guide and Memoir on How to Ensure Your Cat Lives Their Best Life. I finished writing it January 1rst 2025 and hit the publish button that same day. I was thrilled that I was starting the New Year off by writing even though it was a short book of just over 5,000 words, it was mine. It did not go live on Amazon until January 4th. I was chomping at the bit waiting for it to be “officially” published. Next, I needed to get reviews for it in order for it to rank on Amazon. So far, I’ve received two reviews on it. TWO!! I’m thrilled.

I plan to write at least two 30,000-word nonfiction books this year and self-publish them. Why self-publish them? Because there is more money to be made by me publishing them than to seek out a traditional publisher. I do have a traditional publisher for my fiction work. I’m working on the third book in the series, which has taken a back burner to my newly found love of nonfiction.

It isn’t going to be easy to research, write and publish two nonfiction books on who knows what topics (as of this writing, I’m not sure what subjects I’d like to tackle) by the end of the year. Or is it? We shall see. So that is what is up with me. How about you?

What goals do you have for 2025? How will you accomplish them?

Wishing you much peace and comfort during this year.

Greta Picklesimer

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