Looking for Endorsers of Book

While I wait for the next phase of my book to be completed, the cover art, I need to turn my attention to getting endorsements for my book from other authors. I belong to several writing groups, four in fact, no five, from which I could ask for endorsements. All I need is a blurb saying something positive about the noval to be highlighted somewhere in or on the book. The problem is I’m nervous about asking for this type of feedback not because I think my book isn’t good. I love it. It’s because this would be a big leap out of my comfort zone.

So then, who should I ask? What if they say no? What if they say yes? I think I need to ask the Lord to direct me to the right people to endorse the book. It’s not a stall tactic (or is it?). Do I need to find other Christian writers to endorse it? I would like to find other Christians to sing it’s praises in a sentence or two, but the people coming to mind are erotic and horror writers. Oh dear!

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