John Morra, Contemporary American Realism Artist

Yesterday evening, I called the realism artist, John Morra, to talk about his work and see if I could buy something for less than was listed on his website. I was especially taken with the “Tomato Ensemble” painting I told him. He thanked me. I asked if he could do any better on the price of $1,900. He said it was already 1/2 off what he normally charges for work through a gallery. He asked what my budget was. I told him $900, which for me is steep. He said he could create something for me in my price range. I was elated. He is an excellent artist. The thought of owning something by John Morra, out of New York, is thrilling.

I told him I’d like him to paint tomatoes. He said the tomatoes he painted for “Tomato Ensemble” were from his garden. It being March, there isn’t anything growing outside right now. He mentioned painting hothouse tomatoes. I told him to go ahead and do it. He asked if I wanted a bottle included in the painting. I said, “sure” if he wanted to include one.

John Morra said he would be in contact with me via email about the tomato painting. So now I wait.
Check out his website and see his work for yourself. It is incredible.

John Morra

Posted in American Realism Art, Contemporary American Realism Artist, John Morra, Uncategorized.