Press Kit

Greta Picklesimer’s Press Kit for interviews, speaking engagements and such

Potential Questions and answers:

How old were you when you started writing? I started by writing plays about vampires when I was eight-years-old. They were poorly written, but were a fun diversion at the time.

Who is your favorite author? I would have to say my sister, Sandra Aldrich. I look up to her as a mentor and encourager of my early writing years. She bought me a Smith/Corona, brown typewriter to help me on my way to becoming a published author.

What is your favorite genre to write? I favor historical, inspirational romances because I enjoy research and finding nuggets of information.

What is your favorite historical time period to write about? I enjoy writing books set in the 1870s-1880s. There was a lot of change happening in the United States at that time. And it is somewhat easy to find newspapers and other resources about those eras.

Do you have a side job besides being a writer? Yes, I am an office assistant by day. At night, I write.

Cats or dogs? Definitely cats. I am owned by one, 10-year-old, rescue cat I named Pearlie Blue after a favorite Bluegrass song my father liked.

What does the future hold for you? I hope a lot more writing. I want to have many books published and credited to my name. My debut, inspirational, historical romance novel, Second Chance at Happiness, comes out April 12, 2022. It is up for preorder on You can buy a copy directly from me if you want one signed. Contact me for details and shipping information. Thank you for reading.