Fell October 2, 2022.

How my fall changed my life.

October 2, 2022 changed my life. That is the day I fell at home. I called for an ambulance because I couldn’t get up. The ambulance took me to the hospital where I spent ten days before being discharged to a physical therapy rehab place. I spent two and a half months at that rehab place. I went through hell. Every time a occupational or physical therapist came to get me for therapy I cried because I was scared that I would never go back to normal again.

Now, some months later, I wear a brace on my left leg. It’s the leg where I ruptured my patella tendon in my knee. I walk with a walker and probably will for the rest of my life. I came home December 27th. It was scary at first being home without any help, but I’m learning to do things. I haven’t felt like writing a blog post for some time. Finally, I feel like it.

In all of this, I know the Lord is working out His plan for my life even though I fell. I’m believing Him for total healing. Even if it doesn’t come, I will still trust him with this the fragment of my life. His Word says that all things work for the good to those who are called according to His purposes. I can’t see the end and what that purpose is, but my faith and trust in the Lord and His plans for me has been renewed. I’m reading through the Bible and praying like never before. So then, if nothing else, that is the good coming out of this struggle.

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