COVID-19 Vaccine Received Today

My local health department started doling out the Covid-19 vaccine for the Coronavirus this week for level 1B workers and people over the age of 65 with underlying health conditions. I’m a 1B worker, meaning, I work with the public (when I’m not at home working at my dining room table). I was thrilled and a little scared to get the shot. I had no idea what to expect other than I was going to go to a drive-up clinic at a fire station and get my arm poked by a needle.

I was pleasantly surprised by the diameter of the needle and how quickly the shot was administered by a National Guard trained officer. It took less than a second to get the shot in my upper left arm. After getting it, I was asked, like everyone else at the driveup clinic, to pull off to the side and wait 15 minutes and to honk my horn if I needed help. I told the man administering the shot before getting it that I have fainted when getting shots before. He assured me there was no cause for fear and that the man ahead of me had said the same thing. So much for HIPPA. LOL. It took him less than a second to poke my arm with the needle. I pulled over, waited 15 minutes, didn’t die, faint or have any other adverse reactions to the vaccine. Fifteen minutes later I was on my way back home.

For those of you on the fence about getting the vaccine, I highly recommend it when it is offered in your area. It might be just the thing to help this country recover from this devastating virus and bring us back around to normalacy.

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