Ambassador International offered me a contract for my second book.
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The End Typed Tonight Yay!
The end typed tonight. I am elated.
Continue readingNew Year, New Goals and New Hope
New Year, New Goals and New Hope. Here we are in 2022. My goal to write more is being realized. I have new hope that this year will be better than 2020 and 2021 combined.
Continue readingFinal Edit Finally
The final edit of my book is finished. Now it’s on to the creative phase with Ambassador International.
Continue readingSecond Set of Edits
I received the second set of edits for my novel June 2, 2020.
Continue readingHello, hello, hello is there anyone out there?
During this pandemic, what is your new normal?
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My first round of edits are off to Ambassador International, the publisher of my novel Second Chance at Happiness inspirational, historical novel.
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The first round of edits are done on the manuscript I’m working on for Ambassador International. It feels good and bad at the same time. Good because I’m glad I’m done. Bad because I know I have more work to do. I need to read through the story in one sitting–76,000 words and edit as […]
Continue reading2020
Happy New Year!! I hope the new year has started off wonderful for you. It has for me, well, it should start well as I signed up to be a client at Medical Weight Loss Clinic. I told them I wanted to lose 60 pounds, which would aid me in getting rid of the cane […]
Continue readingRosanne Bittner — A Gift of Books
Today was the holiday party for Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America at Schuler’s Restaurant in Marshall Michigan. We had a good time with games, food and a gift exchange. While I waited for the festivities to begin, long-time member Rosanne Bittner came over to me and set down three books beside me. I had asked […]
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