First Edits Done

The first round of edits are done on the manuscript I’m working on for Ambassador International. It feels good and bad at the same time. Good because I’m glad I’m done. Bad because I know I have more work to do. I need to read through the story in one sitting–76,000 words and edit as […]

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Happy New Year!! I hope the new year has started off wonderful for you. It has for me, well, it should start well as I signed up to be a client at Medical Weight Loss Clinic. I told them I wanted to lose 60 pounds, which would aid me in getting rid of the cane […]

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Writing Time

If I’m to be successful, I need to carve out time to write. The precursor to writing time is hours spent checking emails and social messaging. And I wonder where the time went and why I’m not being more productive. Even now, when I could be editing a story, I find myself catching up and […]

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Writing Very Little

So I’m more focused on creating art than I am at writing (and editing my work) right now. Maybe I need to focus on short stories in order to attempt to sell something, but then what if that goes south too? Will I give up on that? No. I may take a long break from […]

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