Fifty four thousand words and counting

I guess I’m feeling bad about not blogging more about my writing–thus the sudden deluge of entries. So far this week I’ve written 2,000 words. My secret? It really is about getting my butt in the chair and hands on the keyboard. I forget which famous writer said that–Nora Roberts maybe? Anyway, it’s working. So […]

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Has it really been this long?

Has it really been this long since I’ve written in my writing blog? Yes, unfortunately, yes it has. Well lots has happened since I last wrote. I started a new novel–a contemporary inspirational and have struggled along with it for months. I don’t like talking about the struggles, but they are part of the writing […]

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Writers’ Retreat

Here in Marshall Michigan at a rented home for a writers’ retreat with 12 other women from Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America group. At this retreat I plan to write and read about writing and just relax. It is just after 1 p.m. the first day of the retreat and all ready I have my […]

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Pages From The Heart Contest

June 30, 2017 I submitted under 6,000 words of my short contemporary romance book with the working title, The Cattle Barron’s Redemption, to Pages From The Heart Contest. I don’t expect to win. All I want are the comments on the work I submitted. I’ll know something in late September…I think. In the meantime, I […]

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Chapter 8 in the editing process

I am speaking this into my phone so it may not be perfect and there shouldn’t be any punctuation I am on chapter 8 in the editing process I stopped mid chapter 8 just because I grew tired and needed a change of pace I hope that’s not a reflection on my work and the […]

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Morning and Writing

I woke at 5:08 a.m. I couldn’t go back to sleep so I got up, went into my computer room and started editing the book I wrote for NaNoWriMo 2016. NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. I attempted it for the first time last year. It is supposed to take participants four weeks to write […]

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