Fell October 2, 2022.

How my fall changed my life. October 2, 2022 changed my life. That is the day I fell at home. I called for an ambulance because I couldn’t get up. The ambulance took me to the hospital where I spent ten days before being discharged to a physical therapy rehab place. I spent two and […]

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Write More in 2022

So far, so good. My goal for 2022 was to write more and I’ve done that. I’m writing a lot more than I wrote probably last year total. It feels good to be writing again. Since January 1, I’ve written over 10,000 words, which is more words than I wrote in the later half of […]

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A Thank You Goes a Long Way

I’ve been lax in writing thank you notes for a while now. Back in October my Scentsy business as an independent contractor with the company burst at the seams with many large and some small orders. I never thanked the people who ordered. Shame on me. So tonight, I grabbed some envelopes. Stamped THANK YOU […]

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Release Date for Book

The release date for my first inspirational, historical, romance novel is April 5, 2022. Ambassador International, my publisher, finally gave me the date of when the book will be coming out. Ring the bells! Shout from the rooftop. My book will soon be a reality. Yipee!

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Book Cover Concept Received

I am so excited. I received my book’s cover concept art Friday, March 26, 2021, in an email. When I pulled up the picture of my book cover, even though it isn’t finished, I gasped. It was a better cover than what I imaged. I did have some suggestions though. I thought the school/church should […]

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