NEORWA Conference

I’m here in Ohio for the North East Ohio Romance Writers of America conference where I will pitch two books to an editor and an agent. I’m excited by the prospect of telling them what I have and seeing if they would like to take a look. I am also working on two works in […]

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Too Much Social Media Time

Okay, I confess. I spend way too much time on social media checking email, checking Twitter and Facebook feeds and such instead of writing. This is frustrating. I rise early with thoughts of churning out another thousand words dancing through my head only instead to sit catching up on what I missed while sleeping. I […]

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To Stop or Not to Stop Writing

I met with Gina Conkle, writer/mentor extraordinaire Sunday, August 12, 2018, at Bob Evan’s on Ann Arbor Saline Road. We talked writing. She asked in which genre my heart was most inclined. I told her inspirational, historical–even though I am currently writing an inspirational contemporary. She told me that–inspirational historical then should be my focus. […]

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Writers’ Retreat

Here in Marshall Michigan at a rented home for a writers’ retreat with 12 other women from Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America group. At this retreat I plan to write and read about writing and just relax. It is just after 1 p.m. the first day of the retreat and all ready I have my […]

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Morning and Writing

I woke at 5:08 a.m. I couldn’t go back to sleep so I got up, went into my computer room and started editing the book I wrote for NaNoWriMo 2016. NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. I attempted it for the first time last year. It is supposed to take participants four weeks to write […]

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NaNoWriMo 2016

I was determined to start and finish a 40,000 word novel during the NaNoWriMo month of November 2016. I didn’t do it. Instead of taking me one month or 4 weeks to write a novel it took me 6 weeks. I’ve basked in this accomplishment for far too long. Last night I thought about starting […]

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Editing first novel

So now I’m editing my novel. I’m finding plenty of things to correct; such as forgetting commas or expanding sections, etc. My writing isn’t perfect, but I’m getting it as close to perfect as I can. What are your experiences with self editing?

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First Draft of Novel Finished

August 27, 2016–I just finished the first draft of my novel Second Chance at Love–my working title. The hard part is over…or is it? Now I get to go back through it page by page and tweak what I wrote. I’m dreading it, but am glad at least the first stage and hardest part–the getting […]

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