June 30, 2017 I submitted under 6,000 words of my short contemporary romance book with the working title, The Cattle Barron’s Redemption, to Pages From The Heart Contest. I don’t expect to win. All I want are the comments on the work I submitted. I’ll know something in late September…I think. In the meantime, I […]
Continue readingChapter 8 in the editing process
I am speaking this into my phone so it may not be perfect and there shouldn’t be any punctuation I am on chapter 8 in the editing process I stopped mid chapter 8 just because I grew tired and needed a change of pace I hope that’s not a reflection on my work and the […]
Continue readingEditing Process
Writing is hard work and so is the editing process or so it should be. Why then am I enjoying editing my work so much?
Continue readingMorning and Writing
I woke at 5:08 a.m. I couldn’t go back to sleep so I got up, went into my computer room and started editing the book I wrote for NaNoWriMo 2016. NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. I attempted it for the first time last year. It is supposed to take participants four weeks to write […]
Continue readingMeeting Kevin Spall from Thomson-Shore
Met Kevin Spall from Thomson-Shore books Saturday. What a pleasure it was to pitch my book for the first time.
Continue readingNaNoWriMo 2016
I was determined to start and finish a 40,000 word novel during the NaNoWriMo month of November 2016. I didn’t do it. Instead of taking me one month or 4 weeks to write a novel it took me 6 weeks. I’ve basked in this accomplishment for far too long. Last night I thought about starting […]
Continue readingSecond Draft Complete
Yesterday, I finished the second draft of my novel. I’ve started working on the third draft of my novel and have found several places where I can both tighten it up and expand character thoughts. The novel’s working title is “Second Chance at Happiness”.
Continue readingEditing first novel
So now I’m editing my novel. I’m finding plenty of things to correct; such as forgetting commas or expanding sections, etc. My writing isn’t perfect, but I’m getting it as close to perfect as I can. What are your experiences with self editing?
Continue readingFirst Draft of Novel Finished
August 27, 2016–I just finished the first draft of my novel Second Chance at Love–my working title. The hard part is over…or is it? Now I get to go back through it page by page and tweak what I wrote. I’m dreading it, but am glad at least the first stage and hardest part–the getting […]
Continue readingWriting Again
I’ve fallen off the writing cart, been frightened of what I might find when I climbed back on, but climbed back on I did. I’m happy to announce that I am writing again and feeling oh so good about what I’m producing. The novel that has sat dormant is now once again being worked on. […]
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