Thank you to everyone who has posted comments on my blog. It’s good to know I’m not alone out here in writing world. Thank you 🙂
Continue readingToo Much Social Media Time
Okay, I confess. I spend way too much time on social media checking email, checking Twitter and Facebook feeds and such instead of writing. This is frustrating. I rise early with thoughts of churning out another thousand words dancing through my head only instead to sit catching up on what I missed while sleeping. I […]
Continue readingTo Stop or Not to Stop Writing
I met with Gina Conkle, writer/mentor extraordinaire Sunday, August 12, 2018, at Bob Evan’s on Ann Arbor Saline Road. We talked writing. She asked in which genre my heart was most inclined. I told her inspirational, historical–even though I am currently writing an inspirational contemporary. She told me that–inspirational historical then should be my focus. […]
Continue readingFifty four thousand words and counting
I guess I’m feeling bad about not blogging more about my writing–thus the sudden deluge of entries. So far this week I’ve written 2,000 words. My secret? It really is about getting my butt in the chair and hands on the keyboard. I forget which famous writer said that–Nora Roberts maybe? Anyway, it’s working. So […]
Continue readingFifty-Thousand Words and Counting
There’s still so much to do with this novel in progress–Summers Creek. I wrote six-hundred words last night, which puts me into fifty-two thousand words. I don’t know what the turning point of this contemporary, inspirational romance will be. You know the point when the hero and heroine overcome their differences and come together. They […]
Continue readingHas it really been this long?
Has it really been this long since I’ve written in my writing blog? Yes, unfortunately, yes it has. Well lots has happened since I last wrote. I started a new novel–a contemporary inspirational and have struggled along with it for months. I don’t like talking about the struggles, but they are part of the writing […]
Continue readingWord Nerd Writers Conference
Crimson Rose Publishing is taking a look at my novels.
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This is the excerpt for a featured post.
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This is the excerpt for a featured post.
Continue readingWriters’ Retreat
Here in Marshall Michigan at a rented home for a writers’ retreat with 12 other women from Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America group. At this retreat I plan to write and read about writing and just relax. It is just after 1 p.m. the first day of the retreat and all ready I have my […]
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