30,000 words and counting

Today, we had a snow day at work. Actually we were sent home early because of the bad weather. Since I had the afternoon off (work was called at noon today), I decided to write. Yesterday, I wrote over 1,000 words to 28,464. Today, I wrote to 30,120 words.

I felt better about writing almost 2,000 words because these counted and don’t feel like I’m making my own slush pile of words. It felt like real writing. Like all these words actually matter. Okay, so maybe it’s the two pink frosted sugar cookies I just ate talking, but I think the work was pretty good. I’m counting on it being good. Once I get through with all the writing, I’ll go back through and edit it to fine tune what I’ve written. For now, I’m just flying by the seat of my pants and trying to enjoy the process as much as possible.

I have two cats seated on me. One is preening herself on my left leg with the other is purring contently in my zip-up jacket. I’m so thankful for content cats and cookies and 30,000 words (sugar cookies talking again). Even so I’m thankful for where I am right now.

Posted in cats and writing, fiction writing, inspirational historical romance fiction, novel writing, romance writing, Uncategorized, writing, writing process, writing prompts.