Up Early or Down Late

Last night I found I couldn’t sleep. It was 3 a.m., which dragged into 3:45 a.m. before I finally decided to get up and try my hand at writing some more on the novel. I cranked out around 500 words in about 15 minutes (it helps when you have an outline and know which direction the story is taking). In a half hour, I had written 1,000 words exactly from the previous days words of 26,357 only today I wrote 27,357 words. I feel any push forward is a good thing. Looking at the white screen of the computer even with my outline and general idea of where I want the novel to go next is daunting. I worry that I won’t have enough information or scenes to fill a 90,000 word book. After all my first true attempt at a romance novel only had 41,000 words to it. I lament the process of writing and worry about things that haven’t even taken place as of yet, such as not having enough scenes to fill a 90,000 word book.

I worry about the what ifs–things I still have control over. Looking at the white screen of the page is like looking at a glaring white snow bank. You know there is something worthwhile in there. The question is how to get it out.


Posted in fiction writing, novel writing, romance writing, Uncategorized, writing, writing process, writing prompts.