Email to John Morra American Realism Painter

Good morning John! I had a wonderful night waking, thinking about your art, falling back asleep and dreaming of it. Your art makes me happy waking or sleeping.

This painting (a group of books in disarray) stands out to me as well as the “Tomato Ensemble”. I am a writer. Books, pens and paper are subjects that I like too. I especially like the three red books tied together on the right side of the painting. I’m wondering if you could paint something with them in it, an old fashioned dipper pen and a small empty ink bottle for me? Again it would be around the $900 price point. I have a small bottle (not an ink bottle) and dipping pen I could send you as props. Could you send me photos of the set up and let me choose which one I like before you paint? Would that be agreeable to you? Please let me know your thoughts on this and the size you would be willing to paint for $900. Thank you. Warmest wishes, Greta Picklesimer

Posted in American Realism Art, Contemporary American Realism Artist, John Morra, Uncategorized, writing and tagged .