To Stop or Not to Stop Writing

I met with Gina Conkle, writer/mentor extraordinaire Sunday, August 12, 2018, at Bob Evan’s on Ann Arbor Saline Road. We talked writing. She asked in which genre my heart was most inclined. I told her inspirational, historical–even though I am currently writing an inspirational contemporary. She told me that–inspirational historical then should be my focus. Now I’m wondering what will become of my contemporary work. Can I put it down? I see myself writing both at the same time.

I told her that I want to focus on logging in Michigan. So that is the theme of my next book–a tale about logging and romance among the white pines in this state.

Though I can’t quite break free from the other tale–the one about the alpaca rancher and sheriff. I desperately want to finish that one (it’s taken me nine months to get to fifty-sevenn thousand words).  So what do I do? Can I write both simultaneously? Or will I hobble along with one while focusing research and energy on the other? Uh!

The problem is this. I’ve never attempted to write two books at once focusing more on one and then another. I’m unsteady just thinking about what writing two at the same time and in different genre’s could mean to me/do to me. Will one get all the love and the other suffer? I hope not. What would Gina think if she knew I was struggling with this issue? What would she think if she knew I was wrestling with these thoughts instead of writing? I need to get this resolved so I can get to writing, but I desperately want to finish the contemporary before starting the historical. Too late! I’ve already started the new historical so make up your mind already! I’ll keep you posted as to what is happening. For now, I need to do some more research for the historical.

Posted in fiction writing, inspirational historical romance fiction, novel writing, romance writing, Uncategorized, writing, Writing about logging in Michigan, writing process.