Writer: Get to the Point

I was just reading a post by a writer who shall remain nameless. It was a really good post full of descriptions and details. Ah the details. I found myself looking at my internal watch thinking “would you please get to the point”. It’s not that I don’t enjoy details when reading…no, that’s not it. Please leave me room to come up with my own ideas about the details of your writing.

My reasoning for coming off impatient with so much detail can be summed up in that I am an impatient person. I want people to get to the point and stay there not ramble on and on about the details. I’m this way with my own writing, which makes me wonder if I’m leaving out too much detail in the first draft of the novel I’m writing. I keep telling myself to get to the point and hurry up and write 1,000 words already so I can move on to other parts of my life–whether those other parts are important or not is left for me to decide. Okay, most of them are not that important. On a good day, it takes me about 1 hour to come up with 1,000 words for my novel. On a bad day…let’s just say it takes me about 2 hours for that same 1,000 words and that may be a day, during the editing process, that will need to be scraped because it may be pointless to the plot. Hmm, I’m not really willing to admit that it may need to be scraped. Surely there is some work on days like that that can be saved if reworked. Okay, I like that suggestion better. I’ll stick with it.

Oh Good Lord here I am rambling on and on and not taking my own advice to get to the point. Does anyone else out there struggle with getting to the point in their writing?

Thank you for reading and commenting.

Posted in fiction writing, novel writing, Uncategorized, writing, writing process.