300 Words

Three hundred words feels more like the Peter, Paul and Mary song with 500 miles in the lyrics. Meaning 300 words written feels like I’ve walked 500 miles–whew! I’m beat. I did get another page written so for that I can celebrate. I was aiming for 1,000 words tonight, but several things stand in the way.

First: I’m at the part where children are coming to the school and I don’t have names for all of them. The ones that I do have names for I’m trying to remember (remember-ha. All I have to do to get the names is to look at my minor character list and scroll back through the story to the place where these minor characters were introduced. Deep sigh. I don’t want to scroll back through the story to find that place right now. I worked all day and I’m beat.)

Second: I’m beat. Working all day at a sit down job answering the phone, womaning the window when clients come up and making labels for files really wore this girl out. I’m pooped and I just want the writing to flow with very little effort on my part. I’m sure I’ll get to the “flowing” part just not tonight. So for tonight I’ll just have to be happy with 300 words.


Posted in fiction writing, novel writing, romance writing, writing.